Tessa Sonik Fabrics

With over 30 years in the fabric business, Tessa Sonik is the master of not only convincing through design, but also telling stories through fabric. A trendsetter, innovator, and sought-after interiors consultant for both residential and commercial projects, Tessa’s collections are all about heart, and each collection is put together with a real sense of being.

Tessa Sonik

Tessa is a true creative. Growing up in a family immersed in the fashion and textile world has embodied Tessa with a deep sense of not only how to blend the pretty with the functional, but also an intuitive understanding of space and colour, a truly unique ‘eye’.

A collaboration between Casamento and Tessa Sonik Fabrics

“My understanding of fabric has always been far more than just the technical specs, although I do place enormous importance on quality and ensuring a fabric is a match for its environment. I tell stories through fabric, communicating a specific narrative.” Although her collections meet the aesthetic needs of beauty and longevity, more importantly they capture the zeitgeist of the times.

Tessa’s commercial projects match client briefs in terms of specific look, feel and durability. 

Her latest collection, UP Japan, perfectly illustrates not only the brand philosophy, but also Tessa’s desire to move into the artisanal space, and the emphasis on and preoccupation with ‘mindfulness’ in society.

Up-Japan represents Tessa’s move into the artisanal space.

“UP is about giving back, it’s about conscience, and it’s about celebrating the flaws synonymous with the human experience,” explains Tessa. The collection represents the imperfection that comes with being human, the soul, and celebrates the work of human hands in its creation. Existing fabrics have been up-cycled, reused, over-dyed and reworked, while staff has been up-skilled to become artisans of dye and handwork.

“Tessa Sonik the brand has always been about creativity and fun, but equally about important stories, consciousness, and sensitivity to the environment and the world,” says Tessa.

Continuum was inspired by the idea of the eternal and regenerating lifecycle of water.


Tessa Sonik’s velvet winter 2018 collection.


Tessa’s modern take on tie-dye.


Tessa Sonik faux leather collection.

Digital marketing: Joburg Capital